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Carriers for Light workers – Are you a light worker?

First, we need to look at who are the light workers. There are many different jobs and services in the society. The word of light worker was first introduced in early 80 century. After that Doreen Virtue release the book of “Light Workers Way” in 1997. Since then, the word has been used many times. The simplest way to describe her light worker is to Engage in an activity that can help others. Many people in society are motivated to work with Dedication for others.This is one of the attributes of human beings. Many of the light workers are sensitive people. They tend to choose carriers that can be done using their sensitive nature. Through these professions, they understand the feelings and needs of others and serve them. Helping others is their one of the hope. In this sense, carriers for light workers are important to our society.

In addition, we can say light workers who have a great desire to help others. Also they are desire is to serve the earth that gave them life. Every person has some ability, it is a very valuable at to help others by using that inherent ability. Their idea is to achieve their goal and put it into practise. We can identify their goal is to serve others using the best of their ability within aim to do good thing to world. Because of that, there are many opportunities create for carriers for light workers. If you want to lie to a girl, you can select your talent and choose the best career for it. Then you will be able to add value to the service in a way that enhances your ability as well. In this article, let’s see what the carriers for light workers are.

Best carriers for light workers 

The Healers  

Those who desire to make sacrifice for others may have the ability to heal others. Therefore, this job may be very suitable for these who light workers. This occupation includes medicine, nursing psychology, as well as childcare. They provide physical and mental healthy also to others.

The gatekeepers

When selecting carriers for light workers, we can choose the gatekeepers. They also try to work with openness and dedication.

The messengers

This may be including people with different abilities. Those are often good at delivering messages using various methods. These include life coaches as well as artists, musicians and creative writers. They also send good messages to the society through various entertaining things.


Among carriers for light workers, the teacher can be described as their most important worker. The richest person in the society is also created by a certain teacher. Although you don’t have a professional opportunity to teach, you can serve the community as a substitute teacher. In today’s world, we can see through the social media, there are many people who volunteer their time and teach. This is a very valuable contribution to the society.

Hair stylist

This is a slightly different kind of exciting career. Many light workers love this creative job. We all want to be beautiful. Hairstyles are the ones who give results to those desires.

Social worker

Social work can be described as one of the best career for light workers. These workers often tend to serve the community. We can also see many social associations now. Those are set up for a variety of purposes and do something really good for society.

In addition, therapist personal trainer, human resources coaching, manifestoes, transmitters, dreamers, travellers, guiders, physics and seers are also carriers for light workers.

How to be spiritual light worker?

As a light worker, you will try to get up from yourself. They have a genuine love and innate sense of talent to be able to help everyone. If you like this social process, it is important to identify how to become a spiritually developed light worker. People with spiritual development are often self confident. They will always try to make a commitment to others because of their faith. Many people are reluctant to serves the community because they feel rejected or in famous. But if you have high self confidence, it is easy to overcome these barriers and act as a social worker.Reluctant to give something to others is another characteristic of a spiritually developed worker. It’s hard for you to be a spiritual light worker if you are trying to only get something.

When discussing about carriers for light workers, they should be people with balanced exchanges. In here you need to not be Indebted to your clients. As well as, it is also important that you believe in the power of visualisation as you aspire to be a spiritually mature light worker. Visualising that something going to happen in the future is also helping to make dreams come true. It is a sign of a successful spiritual light worker who is realise future dream and then make it happen by taking the right steps. If you want to serve as a mentor to the community, it is important to set an example in your life. And also you may be a truthful person. Then you can easily work as a social worker. I think the above qualitative and spiritual characteristics will be very important for the career of a light worker.

How to asset carriers for light workers?

According to about information you can understand who are the light workers and their benefits also. In that sense, we can say the carriers for light workers are very useful opportunity to develop country. Always they try to give a serve to people and country as various fields. Sometime because these workers may be create great persons using their knowledge. Because of that the light workers always get some benefits. If you like to work as a light worker first, you understand your talent. Then you can give your talent for others. Sometime it may be the best chance for you.

Practise radical empathy – Simple introduction

Attempts to better understand and share the feelings of others are called, radical empathy. Usually, we can say empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Radical empathy can also be called its advanced step. Here is a deeper connection with others. The idea here is to actively interact with them, measuring what another person’s point of view is. It will be important to be patient with others. We need to be prudent and kind in our dealing with others. Often here you become a peaceful and friendly person. What happens here is that instead of living alone think more about others and lives with their emotions. In this sense, radical empathy is simply a weapon that binds society together. Because of that Reason” practise radical empathy” is very important thing in society.

 According to my view, this can often be difficult for someone who in lonely. This is an easy task for people who like to see people and interact with them. This is a feeling that must arise in your own mind. The first thing to do is to make up your mind to clash with others. When someone asks you a question, it is important to answer it kindly. And you also need to be open when answering. Your honesty is also what others expect here. The others never expect you to be angry or rude. Because of that reason, you must practise radical empathy. When you do something for others, the outcome depends on whether your radical empathy skills are good or bad. The better your actions towards others, then you also will be happy.

What are the benefits of practising radical empathy?

 There are many benefits to practising radical empathy both for you and others. Its main benefit is building genuine connection with others in society. If you have a good radical empathy, then you are always the correct person. It gives you the ability to see the other person correctly. When you practise radical empathy well, you will come to a high level of confidence. The more we feel about others the more confidence we have. It also makes you and others in your community happier. Being happy in this way is also good for your healthy. It also enhances your mental happiness. This simply concludes that it is more important to contribute to happiness than to make our emotions angry. This will affects others in the same way. Therefore practice radical empathy is very useful when connects with others in society.

In addition, radical empathy has the potential to make your life in a positive direction. The more your love and kindness towards othersThe more positively it will affect your well being. According to Nickline’s way, if you have high level of empathy ability, you have a greater desire to live in society. When anger overcome nonviolence and arose in society, it was determined to everyone. Your emotions should be good to avoid these negative consequences. Improving your radical empathy skill is the way will help you think more about others. It is also the best answer to many of the social problems that exist in society. According to that, you can reap these benefits if you learn to cultivate and practise radical empathy well. To get these benefits you need to practice radical empathy according to many special methods.

How to practise radical empathy? Simple methods

 Radical empathy is not everyone can always do. Some people are born with it, but some are tempted to practise radical empathy. Imagine being able to engage in some activity with a team. If you find it difficult to maintain good communication with other members of team, it will be difficult to continue the process. It is in this context, therefore, that the value of radical empathy emerges. The doctors’ introduced more exercises to improve that empathy. First you need to strength your internal resources. Most likely you should start this in your home. The stronger your internal resources, the more your kinds to others will increase. It is easy to do by building compassion within oneself .The other way to practise Radical empathy is to spread kindness to others. We should never hesitate to give others a smile or kindness.

Also agreeing to something or someone without debate is another way to developing radical empathy. Imagine for a second there is an argument about something. There you have to think that because each other’s point of view is different. Their opinions may also be different. Here you have to practise to disagree without seeing the others as the enemy. When we practise radical empathy, we should try to praise the empathy of others. Someone may be helping us to reach our goals by telling how he/she achieved his/ her goals. Sometime they can be telling us to them for help to us. All we have to do then is praise their empathy. This is a feeling we must develop in our mind. In this sense, the practising of the radical empathy has a positive effect on us as well as on society.

Common problems of too much empathy

Here we hope to point out the adverse effect of over or too much empathy. Unlimited empathy can cause your stress. Excessive acceptance of other peoples’ feeling can lead to depression or despair. And also sometime your empathy can be criticised by others. There you will be embarrassed in front of them.You also feel sad when others lost interest in your work. This is also a problem if others do not listen to your feelings and ideas, especially in group activities. According to this sense, there are pros and cons to radical empathy. We should try to differences between these pros and cons well. Because of that, we should try to identify that how to practise radical empathy correctly and how to use it well in society? Then you can stay in happily with society and you can build deep connection with others.

Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon-Top 5 reasons

Working for success will make you a master-Easy tips

How to work hard for success? Easy tips

First you should have goals and targets in your life. If you have big goals you can break it into a small tasks because big goals sometime may be difficult to achieve easily. But if you have small task off the calls you can easy to complete them. And also this simple task will motivate you to success. Another thing is stay focused. While you are working you should be focus your attention to the work. When you understand what your task and how to success it, you can stay focused for it will. We should try to work with working memory system. As well as if you start your day with positive attitudes for most important task, you can success it well. According to this that’s why working for success will make you a master.

Why you need a break while you are working. According to the research you must take a break approximately every 45-50 Minutes. Then you can relax your mind without working responsibilities. After a short break you can restart your work with refreshed mind and body. It also be a reason to success your targets. Not only that while working practised remembering that, why you are doing the work hard? Then your mind motivates and provides some power to success your work. While working you take care of yourself mentally and physically. Your body don’t want to tire it full of the day. Because of that you get enough sleep in each night seven or nine hours per day .your physical and mental healthy also may be good from sleeping. I think these tips will help you to be a master with success.

How can I be satisfied at work?

We all try to get happy end with working. Therefore you should have a relaxed mind but you are not over stressed person with your work. Even time you engage in your work you should focus on the importance of that task and do with fun. Then you can be satisfied with that work. It is important to keep in mind the value of your work and to strive for successful results. You need to be aware of your responsibilities and be motivated to do your job with a clear vision. Also you working for success will make you a master. When we find answers for our questions which are challenge to us while working, we must try to face to its strongly and positively. Then after of your work, you will be a master of success.

In most situations, we all need to feel recognized for our work. Be reward of your strength and abilities to do the work you are assigned to do. This can mean thanking yourself. Imagine being able to successfully complete your task throughout the day and become a master. You can also develop your attitude through such feelings. Then working for success will make you a master with these thoughts. In your work you can help others. Then it will make in extra efforts to you. If you have the ability to import your knowledge to others it means that you are well versed in the task. Then you can feel happy about work satisfaction. Always you try to be creative and make the best of difficult work with positive attitudes. Furthermore working for success will make you a master.

What are the talents of successful master?

We have a meaningful thought “Working for success will make you a master, why working for satisfaction will make you a legend “This has more meaningful words. The successful people have more talents.  Successful man is a person who has done his job to the fullest and achieved important results. They have motivation skills. They always do their job with passion. Moves with motivation are skills to the end of his work. And they are with organised people. Attempt to boost their job by organising steps from the first stage. It is a characteristic of and organised person to break his goal into smaller goals and achieve success step by step. They also try to manage their time and engage in their work. It is a quality of master to work without wasting time while taking some rest in the mind and body.

You are maximum results will depend on how you work. You should also try to make your daily activities helpful for your ultimate goal. I think that is the secret of successful people. They never give up their work. Sometime they attempt fails but the challenge must be overcome with self efficacy skills. They are always tempted to learn something from everything. Even if the end of your success is very far away it is your responsibility move forward without hesitation. Other work should not be neglected because of a failed task. You can avoid these difficulties by keeping a self study of yourself. Many people who have been successful in the world find such talents behind. You look at their life stories. We can learn a lot from them. Accordingly I can say “working for success will make you a master”

Working for success,will make you a master-The boundary of success

According to my essay I have explained the topic working for success will make a master using various categories. In summary I can say a successful person is one who makes the most of time and strive to achieve his /her big goal with small goals. Using self image and understand about your work level. This will help to be able to explore what are appropriate boundaries. Imagine your end of work and what the benefits of work with positive attitudes are. When you trust yourself you will be success easily. Don’t say “I can’t”. Always think” I can do and win”. Then your mind also is powerful for success. Finally you try to working for success will make you a master.


Dream big focus small-What are their dreams and goals?

We all have various goals from birth to death. When we going to success then we have to face many challenges. Therefore overcoming these challenges was somewhat difficult. But we all have a lot of dreams look forward to. We all strive to make our dreams come true, big dream or small dream. When discussing that there is scientific method behind dream big focus small. There are those in society who have big dreams and achieve them, as well as those who have small dreams and overcome them at an even higher level. So your brain must be working properly to achieve the goals you have with dreams. It takes a different from each other’s effect. From this point of view Success in targeting dreams is a factor that effects oneself.

In addition our future hopes, goals and aspirations are written in our dreams. Even if you always live in a dream, it takes a lot of commitment to make it come true. Dreaming can be a little fun for you. That is what you see in the dream because of your purpose. This desires and emotions will determine I love you too situation. He lives only in a dream it may be a dream for you. All you have to do is strive to make your dream come true. Without goals you can never make your dream come true. You dream big. It is not wrong. But we can only function in goals. The actions you take to achieve them must be specific and consist consistent? That is why we say dream big focus small.

Dream big focus small-How to make our dreams come true? step by step

 Accordingly this title one of the things we need to train is to start our work from scratch and move on the maximum. I can explain how to make our dreams come true with steps

Dream big

When you going towards your goals you must see big dreams. Also all you have to do is believe in your dreams and path. Always remember dream big focus small. You start small and always try to reach its maximum. But don’t missed to see dream about your future

Try to visualise your goals

Daydream you see should be an essential one for you. You need to have a clear picture and opinion of that. Try to visualise that your dream and somehow make true it. As well as goals can also be achieved by visualising the benefits you will receive when you were goal is achieved.

Don’t compare you with other

In society there may be people who are less successful than you and who are just as successful as you. But you should not go to compare your dreams and goals with them. And also you must have confidence in yourself. No matter how others win you must win within yourself.

Don’t be discouraged

We suggest dream big focus small. In this method you may have some disappointment. But that does not mean that life itself fails. So be sure not to be discouraged by small setbacks.

Be happy with your abilities

You definitely have the potential to make your dreams come true. Because of that even be happy about your small talents and skills. You can pave the way for success by appreciating yourself.

How to dream big focus small?

There must be a small beginning to dream big. For the girls you hope active in life. We all love to dream big. That is because they are our future desires and aspirations. Suppose one day we aspire to be the most important person in the world. But we cannot achieve that dream just by thinking. That is because the path that dream is very long and difficult. So we should start with small. Imagine that your dream is to become a doctor. If you are a child can you be a doctor just think soon? It is an impossible thing to do. That’s why you should have started it from the child of school, right? If you keep this big dream in mind from your early age and study for it you can achieve that goal.

Why we have big dreams?

Because they will help encourage you to find your dream future. If you start a small business but you have a dream to someday become a wealthy businessman. This dream will surely help you to become a greater man. Therefore try to dream big focus small. As well as your dream also may be interesting to you. Make your dream the path to your future success. Some people are thinking too small about their targets. But our mind hopes to see big dreams. Because of that try to imagine big and challenging hope and make your dreams your challenges. Our life is a journey. In this journey overborne is the first step. Since it we tried to understand that how to success our next steps. Among your big dreams get small beginning and create next step with success?

Let’s see dreams with positive mind.

David Bailey said” A positive attitude can really make dreams come through it date for me”. According to his wife we should see dreams with positive attitudes. This will be a secret of success future. As well as you should believe yourself. Then you can build a power to success dreams. Start small and work hard to achieve goals. Try to imagine about your bright future through dreams. Make sure that dream big focus small. Even if you love your life, there are times when you will be negative. It is easy to fall in to a setback based on one negative experience, and it will redirect your mind. In start you will be a small winner. But think firmly that “I can win and achieve my goals”. According to my article I tried to say dream big focus small with positive attitudes and goals.

What motivation means to you problems of current society clickhere

Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon-Top 5 reasons

So we going to talk about Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon. But before us going to dating to a Pisces man you need to know what Pisces mean is. Pisces is the final that means the twelfth zodiac sign in zodiac chart. The sign is negative and mutable sign. So Pisces is the final zodiac sign as I say in between March to April sun transits. Pisces to Aries as going final zodiac sign to the first one. So Pisces means fish in Latin. Different zodiac sign associated with different personality traits. So all of the zodiac sign has a meaning. And Pisces means anxiousness and romantic this is actually true. Pisces are natural healers they can work with anybody. Most Pisces are artist, dancers, actors that’s actually true. Did you know that most of the musicians also Pisces. So let’s get into the article topic.

Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon- things that you must know when dating

Let’s talk about what you need to know when you’re dating a Pisces man. When a Pisces man in love with some they are very compassionate about toward the partner. They will try to help their partner anyway they can. They will think that helping out there partner is their duty. Pisces enjoy sharing time with their partners or helping them they like to spend more time with their partners. So if we see what Pisces need in a relationship. From all of other zodiac signs Pisces is one that craves love than all of other. They will look more reassurance and attention and they will give exact the same as the return. Pisces are most romantic out of all the zodiac signs. They are more attractive to music and art. By all these they will seek love end of the day they loved to be loved by someone.

How to know if a Pisces man have interest on you

We going to talk about how you going to find if a Pisces man likes you. For the most part it hard to understand if someone likes you or not. So we going to teach you how you going to know that Pisces is in love with you. First thing is jittery Pisces man will jitter when you around. He will get awkward when he sees you he will try to give a good impression. He will believe that he will be out of your type. So he will get nervous or awkward every time he sees you. And you will notice that he was in your presence but you didn’t notice that. He loves to be around you but he will be nervous every time he sees you. So this the first evidence for you that a Pisces man is in love with you.

The second evidence that I’m going to give you is the open body language they going to give you. The Pisces man that loves you will always try to brush up against you. He always try to hold your hand all time that he can. He will try to create an emotional connection because there will be physical contact between you guys. Most Pisces will hold their hands down and hesitate to touch you. Until you guys confess that each you other in love. He will keep his arms widely or uncrossed that means he’s willing to communicate with you. So from this you can understand that they will like to be touched with you. That means they want to prove that they always want feel you that you’re protected. Or some will try to avoid touching you until they con fess there love.

More evidence that they will show you that they are in love.

A Pisces man that loves you will always try to be a part of your life. If you say something like I want that in my life he will always help you to achieve those. He will help you making breakfast or pickup groceries for you he will try to help you anyway. Pisces man will always be practical more than being romantic when it comes to life decisions. This is another evidence that you can get from a Pisces man. Another little evidence that Pisces man will give that he always try to stare at you. He always try to connect with you he will try to keep the eye contact with you. You might notice that he will always observe you that you’re not with him. He will try to make sure that you’re ok by looking at you every time he can.

Is Pisces man good at bed? Will it be too soon be in the bed with a Pisces Man?

So for the question that will it be too soon to be in the bed with Pisces man is. It’s actually not too soon to do that. If you both dating and you guys get alone sometimes it’s not too soon. It’s a matter of time. If you guys being together for some time you guys know each other so take the next step. You already know Pisces man will be the best for you so don’t get any regressions. Do what you want to do let it flow. So for the question that is the good at bed is they is one of the best in the bed. Their self-confidents in bed is so high. He will get what he want in the bed no matter what happens. They got everything you dream to get in the bed. I think you got the idea for that.

So we talked about Sleeping with a Pisces man too soon and more things. I hope that you will not miss chance now. So see you soon.

5 Secrets of How to Find True Happiness! clickhere

Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy

What I mean the positive thinking?

When we live we have faced positive and happiest things more. But staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy. Our lives positive thinking is the most important method to be success. It will help you to manage your thoughts and stress. In our lives we will have to face many challenges and targets. When we try to face to eats with positive thinking we can success them well. First you must try to understand what you say and how to identify areas to change. Always try to post positive words. When you find a positive answer to each of your questions you can succeed. These positive and effective thoughts have the ability to manage your problems. We have to deal with both positive and negative things in life. Your positive thoughts grow as you think that the bad things you have to experience are also going well.

Talking about this, it can be said that positive thinking is focusing on the good thing. It can be in your grief, problem or trouble. When you focus on the bright side while suppressing the bad in your life, you can take life in positive direction. They are a various definitions of positive thinking in psychology as well. it says positive attitudes can be positive cognition. It is reflected in our thoughts as well as physical and mental activities. It can be said that even a person who is in good health always has positive thoughts. This is because the person is positive about their health. Let’s think a person who takes medicine for his illness. When talking such medicine, he /How positive thoughts that assuming the disease is cured. In addition we must remember staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy.

Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy-How to be positive? Tips, with step by step.

 By focusing on this, you can learn how to be a positive man. First you need to calm your mind. Sometime meditation can help you with that. Meditation is the awareness of yourself and those around you. It may help to relieve your stress. Other way is to control your emotions. You think you will cry when you are sad. If you live with that grief, it will be difficult for you to move forward. But if you control your emotions and get rid of grief, you will be able to rest of the problems as well. Suppressing our aggressive thoughts is another way to developing positive thinking. When we have trouble or injustice we can be aggressive about it. It has a detrimental effect on us. What if we answer those questions in the affirmative it will be easier to suppress them.

 There are their method is to ask an adult about your problem. This is because adults can be perfect with more experiences than you. You associate with adults as your friend it will also help in positive thinking. If you are a student you also should have positive mind to learn. If you are a lazy to learn, you will not be able to succeed in your studies. In learning you have to face challenges such as exams. It is important that you prepare for the exams with positive thoughts. You must always keep your future goals firmly in your mind. That way you have to motivate yourself to succeed in education somehow. You can focus on different musical generous that relax the mind while studying you can develop your positive thoughts from it. Focusing on different types of hobbies, also important for improve our positive mind.

Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy-How positivity can change happiness?

 Happy people are always maybe healthy. When you are happy your positive thoughts may be improved. Not only that, if you are a happy person your mind will be relax. Your mental healthy maybe improve .you can meditate on happy moment to be more positive. You can do this by meditating on the people who give you happy and places that have made you happy. If you think about moments when you are sad reduce your positively .If you wake up happy in the morning it will give you the strength to stay positive throughout the day. Thinking positive thoughts the day will sometimes not be a difficult task for you. Even if it is a difficult task if it is done positively and happily the difficulty will be lessened.

How do you feel when you watch a satisfying and happiness movie? It will be an important thing to your day to day activities. Listening to a song that you love the most is also a reason to develop ones positive ability. That is because it makes you feel happy. According to this connexion sometime maybe you think positive mean happy. But it may not be sometime. It is true that we are always happy when we are positive? Even if you feel sad during a particular trouble you may at times have positive thoughts to cope with that sadness. Then you are not happy, are you? Because of that reason staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy. it is your responsibility to develop positive thinking by understanding this relationship better.

 How to positivity and happiness change your life.

 According about information you can understand positive attitudes and happiness. We all have some positive thinking skills. But they are hidden in our mind. If you are falling trouble you try to involve your positive attitude to solve them. If you have a grief you can think positively. It’s are the best way to success your life. I can say positive thinking is the most powerful thing in our lives. Because of that it can solve your all troubles, questions or grief. It may be control your emotions and body. According to this information again I can say all the positive thinking is the most important. Then we have not worry about all my life. In my views we all have some skill to win our lives. But remember staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy.

Humour and wisdom speech

What is humour?

When discussing humour and wisdom speech, humour means that the quality of something makes you laugh it may be someone’s words or action as well as it makes with look for film. Human will be a comedy, funniness, fun or amusement. He almost all may be good or bad. If you feel happy and fun you have a good humour. If you are feeling unhappy or bad tempered then you have a bad humour. When you are doing something with good humour you can leave happily, cheerful and pleasantly with others. As well as if you spend with good humour your loved once also happy. But you spent it bad he were others also will become upset. The cause of that always you should try to connect with good humour and strength behaviours. Then you will not become upset and worry about life.

What is wisdom?

 It means good sense or ability to discern inner qualities and relationships. It is discernment, perception, sageness or insight. Wisdom depends on how to use your knowledge and how to impart to others. According to this when you learned information, it is knowledge. Then when you have ability to use that knowledge it is the wisdom. First you try to collect knowledge and understand them well. After that you use your understanding knowledge while you work. When you were knowledge improve, your experiences also improve. Accordingly I can say that, combination of knowledge and experiences is the wisdom. The system will can help improve our aspect of emotional, physical, financial or mental. This is the best way to achieve our goals and the results may be good. According to the title of “humour and wisdom speech” we can talk many important things what we have to success our lives.

Combination of humour and wisdom.

  I would like to note that the wisdom and humour have a perfect combination. Thus the human behaviour wants to have humour and wisdom. Sometime humour is something that can insult a person in some way. But the real humour has a deep connexion with wisdom. Sometime may be these characteristics other gift of nature who received by humans. On the other hand to be humorous want must be wise. These have two ways. Those are healthy and retributive. When wise humour is healthy, the wise humour is retributive. Why is humour always tried to create and build positive vibes with balancing humour and wisdom. They may have deep personality. Sometime may be difficult to create good humour vibes. But the power of wisdom tried to show beauty within good humour.

As well as humour must be fun, meaningful and positive. You can make people smile with humour. What should not be a joke? Is it has meaningful thoughts and prostitute thoughts it will be a voice humour. It may not be create a new problem or negative attitudes. The humour which have important knowledge and experience. It may be amazing. It does not hurt others because of that others are happy about your humour wise and others will appreciate it. If you tell a word to others you think twice about that. Humour also must like this then it can make smile positively others. According to these things I can see the humour wise have a power of attraction to other people. You should try to balance your humour and wisdom speech well in your life.

What are the benefits of humour and wisdom?

 According to the health instructions humour help relieving our physical and mental tension. We can increase our heart rate and decrease our blood pressure while laughing. It is a good benefit of good humour. The patients can feel comfortable with funny activities. But these funny things may be wise. It must not hurt their heart. Not only can that according to the researchers’ good humour give you to the best sleepy. When you feel with good humour things you can’t focus on the negative things. Then you can face to the challenges and solve problems successfully. You think you have a problem and you grief from it .as soon as your friend told you a funny story. After hear it your stress will decrease and you will try to solve your problem with positive wise.

In addition the wisdom may be spirit of solution provisions. Wisdom useful solve problems and to release unusual riches. And also it helps you to choose the correct way and correct Things. You should get decisions with thinking about your time, future, health and other things. You should plan your life well then the wisdom will help you. Sometime the wisdom maybe trusts of everything. When we trust our goal we will try to achieve them. You have a power to do it with wisdom. Your happiness or success cannot be gift another people or thing. It finds you yourself. You think positively and improve your humour thoughts positively. Then you were wisdom also will be more powerful. Is this not a successful way to achieve your goals? Humour and wisdom speech is the most important story of our lives.

 Humour and wisdom speech


 When we discuss about humour and wisdom we seems to these two things are essential factors for our lives. Since our born to death we have to learn something and we try to improve knowledge via experience. If you don’t have positive wise you can’t improve your positive knowledge. When you combine the wisdom and humour it may be a real talent and it may be help get great place in world. We can’t live happily and funny without good humour. Because humour makes you healthy also good. Therefore the best medicine is the laugher with good humours. In society we can listen in various wisdom thoughts but I think this may need at positive humour thoughts to win our goals. First we should understand what are these humour and wisdom correctly. Then your humour and wisdom speech will win among your life story.

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Grief is the final act of love-what is the grief and love?

While resting, I thought “grief is the final act of love”. Then I wanted to explain about grief and love.  I think the most important feeling in the world is love. Are you agree with me? All the people, animals have feeling of deep affection. they love to feel and affection for something or someone. it is very difficult to explain me. we love our parents, partners, relations, animals or other things. when you have a specific person ,animal or other thing you can not Separate with them. Sometime it may be deep connection. It may be strong emotional bond. Some people who love with romantically others. Then they are lovers they have sexual attraction. Because of about reasons we have a Valentine’s Day. in this special day we fall in more love with our loved ones. Love is a very hard feeling.

When we talk about love, we can hear another word is grief. The feeling you get when you are under some stress with your loved one can be called grief. It may be emotional suffering from someone or something when you have unexpected emotions you will shock or guilt. Grief can also be the emotional pain that usually accompanies a significant loss to us. It’s very difficult for us to bear the death of our loved one or animal. That is because we have an unbreakable bond or connection with them. I think the deeper connection or love we have for the person, animal or thing we have lost it may be the deeper feeling of grief.The grief of losing over loved one or a loved one can be deep. The day of born from we build various relationship with others. All this Connections are called love.

Grief is the final act of love – Is the grief; love.

Grief and love has deep connection also grief is the loss of what we love. It is very difficult to control us. Because of that we should understand the grief of losing a loved one. When your loved one death, their memories are not death. Then we can say “Grief is the final act of love”. While losing a parent, partner, friend or pet surely you will have a heart pain. People who express their pain by crying or doing something. Even so owing one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Because it is you love nit temporary but permanently. Imagine for a second you were lost something you gladly kept close. The grief of losing it makes you think about it, am I correct?

Most of the time may be praying for our loved one. We do not expect them to be distressed, sadness or trouble. Some are love the lives of their loved ones just as much as the love their own lives. So the more we love them, the more we feel at their death or at their grief. The simplest example we can take in present is the covid-19 pandemic. Many of our loved ones who were with us have died because of this pandemic. Many people in this world are shocked by this and they do various things to save their loved ones. They are try to safe  because they think of their loved ones as well, sacrificing lot of and minimising  conflict with society. According to these information we seem to that the grief is love.

How to beare grief in love?

In  these society we can see parents who could not beare the separation and death of their children as well as children who could not beare the death of their parents. As well as some we also see in society the young people who are unable to beare the loss of their loved ones and who are tempted to take their own lives. Most of these suicides happen because they do not have the strength to beare the pain. But the must truly understand then even if they cry, suicide and express their grief, their loved ones  will never come back. Sometime our grief will be a unexpected moment. So it can be sadder than we think, because will not expect forget or separate them. In that sense “Grief is the final act of love “

What ever happens, we must face life as long as we live. We must develop the ability to endure suffering ,No matter how difficult. We can engage in various activities in such as way as to forget their memories. we must also understand that we must live for the people around us, not the lost people. It is also important to engage in mind relaxing exercises. some people who tried to relieve their pain by following the doctor’s instructions. It also can be successful method. When you feel grief, you can do a fun activity or engage with your hobbies. Engaging in various religious activities and meditation is also one of the reason for end of our suffering. But the most important thing you need to understand is that no matter how much they love each other, their separation will happen someday.

What is the end of love, grief and life?

We all are living beings on this earth. one day we will have to say goodbye to others and this world. When we understand our life circle, it’s an easy task for us to get rid of our grief. This love and bonds are formed because we have a superior mind to stay in and our emotions are larger. It can be the nature of life and love can be a feeling that we have inherited from nature. But nature itself will one day separate this gift from us. This is also the truth that we need to understand correctly. We born love and when we separate with loved ones it is so much grief to us. Accordingly above reasons we must understand “grief is the final act of love” When our lives end, love also end and it is the grief.

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Afternoon motivation-What I mean by “afternoon”?

I can explain about afternoon motivation  with two types. First I say afternoon is the part of the between noon and sunset. Next I can analyse the life period ; middle of later part of life is afternoon simply the old age of life like afternoon of the day.C.G.Jung Says” we can not live the afternoon of life according to the programme of life’s morning, at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie ”He illustrates a wonderful picture of the journey of human life. The moment the baby is born and the time of morning. as daylight increases, his consciousness expands as he gets older.As the sun rises in the sky, Adult sense he feels that his attitudes are accelerating and in his youth and adulthood he finds the most suitable path in the world.

All the people have the old age of life.eat maybe not a definite biological stage, it may be context sensitive. more old people have very sensitive body and emotions. they are fall down quickly and sometime they may need someone’s help. People who suffer from physical disabilities are more illness persons. but this can include prematurely aging as well as slightly stronger person.Their physical and mental level, The food they eat and their social background will influence these changes. I think this age of retirement is sometimes a sweet age because they have last of responsibilities. they finish all their responsibilities and spend the rest of their lives. married people and they are responsibilities they are children and spent their afternoon happyly with each other.Unmarried people spend most of their seniority in their day to day carriers of activities minimising their workload and engaging in various recreational activities.

Afternoon motivation – How to spend happily old age of life?

How people enjoy their old age? Different people use different methods for what are free do to enjoy your free flowering adulthood. Some people like loneliness and some people like to have fun with others. I can give some ideas that keep older adults happy.

  • various food

If you think now you have a trouble. I can give good idea to missed it. eat with your friend or family members. Then you can feeling happily with food and others. You can preparing your meal or shopping for it. And also have some drink like as tea,coffee. But you remember you should drink water because it is help to your healthy.

  • Learn something

In your old age you can read some books, as well as you can learn a new language, new game or play instrument.There will be help to improve your memory level and the help to decrease your healthy effect.

  • Attend social gatherings

You will be able to use that knowledge to engage in various social activities. It will also enable you to end your loneliness. Sharing your knowledge with others in those associations will also benefit them.

  • connect with environment

Our environment is the best medicine us .As you grow older,You will be able to maintain good physical and mental health by interacting with the environment. even sitting under a large shady tree is sure make your mind feel relaxed. in the morning sunlight can care ailments. And you can also calm your mind by hearing sounds like the chirping of birds in the environment.

How we motivate our elders?

our elders are very important to us. I think we should keep them happyly .First we should understand what the would like to do to keep going. They love to spend with their kids, Good food, funny game etc. When we understand they are needs it is easier to take get decision. You can visit them often and involve them in your life. some elders may be have not good health. Therefore you can encourage and motivate them. Then they are mental healthy also may be goo. We can give a little gift to them like clothes, food. As well as we have the ability to take our adults on trips to different places so they can have fun and then the will motivate about their life. Not only that they happy about their children.

sometime adults have everyday habits like exercises, planting, watering etc. But as the get older they may find it difficult to do these activities. but you have the ability to join them and help them to do their daily activities or hobbies. then they will be happy and motivate. also some adults are like to engage in certain activities related to their religion. we can also encourage them by supporting their religious activities. The Internet and social networks also are great opportunities for adults. you can enable they to connect with family and friends through technology. The Internet can be used to test the social benefits as well as the physical, mental and emotional well-being of elders. Studies how that social networking sites are becoming more and more popular among adults.

Expectation of adults.

We should connect with them, talk to them, encourage them and understand their expectation. They are real people who gave their lives for us. Our elders who have worked and won lives for the people should be given the care they expect. Sometime it maybe not what you are expect but we should do it for them. We must ensure that they are health is restored by encouraging them to live up to they are expectation. They have the more knowledge because they have more experience about life,society,people and other things. Sometime they may be like to share their knowledge with family members, friends or others. Finally I would like to note that our adults are very important and they are our property. Because of that we respect them. So I explained about “afternoon motivation” using life periods.

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