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6 Book Reviews on “How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness”

Even the centuries are passing too fast, people still fight for happiness. No matter what is their points to be successful, their ultimate goal is to be happy and living in a prosperous surrounding. So, there is an increasing need to explore how to find inner peace and happiness. Isn’t it? Often, a descriptive book may be the greatest option for this. Hence, we hope the following reviews will help you find the best book for a descriptive guide.

The Zen Commandments Speaks about How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness!

Among the thousands of books written on the theme, this is one of the best. The popular book writer Dean Sluyter has collected the words together to deliver the real meaning of what is happiness and how to find inner peace through the approaches of happiness.

Since the book focuses on both theoretical and practical aspect of achieving inner peace, it can reach the reader’s hearts easily. Thus, the feedbacks say the content of the book has done a great role in changing their lifestyles for positive aspects. So, it is never a misleading fact to describe this as one of the best positive lifestyle guides of the era.

The most powerful strategies that have used by the writer is a simple language and the step-by-step guide for happiness. Thus, it has become a virtual friend for all the readers who are looking for a way to be happy and achieve inner peace.

The Reflectively Written Book -“Happiness”

As the author of the book “Happiness”, Matthieu Ricard has done a great service for people who seek secrets to be happy. Here, the author has revealed a new aspect of happiness by stating that it is a specific skill. So, as he highlights, the person can build up happiness on their own through experiences and developed skills.

So far, people’s general intention of happiness was described as a positive emotion or else as a destination of satisfaction. But, Matthieu has given a new point for his fans by revealing being happy is their quality. Since this book is a reflection of several beliefs and scientific findings including Buddhism, western philosophy and the research findings, it is very much important to consider the contents to make a powerful review either for a positive or negative aspect.

And, the author is a molecular biologist in his profession. So, the facts revealed through his busy life journey may be a piece of strong evidence to prove the excellence of the contents.

The Miracle of Mindfulness

The author, Thich Nhat has focused on the concept of mindfulness when fulfilling the inner peace and the happiness of an individual through this book. As it highlights the people should know how to identify their mental status and the connections of fulfilling expectations with the ultimate goal of achieving inner peace.

And the book further describes the importance of a moment to be happy or to be anxious. So, the author is trying to explain the individual’s role in establishing peaceful thoughts in their minds. Since the book has guides for practical usages with the tips and tricks to be happy, the readers can experience the explained theories easily. Thus, it further enhances the confidence of reading up to the endpoint.

So, we would like to suggest you start reading about how to achieve inner peace and happiness with the book “The Miracle of Mindfulness”. Even it is not a direct explanation of the topic, it exactly the explanation of how to be satisfied by experiencing real-world boundaries.

The Tao of Inner Peace

The book is a great blender of ancient Chinese practices and modern teachings on how to be happy. So, it takes almost an ancient writing style with appropriate oaths and positive thoughts to awake the spiritual thinking of readers.

Those ancient oaths or affirmations has designed to make people ready for facing challenges and to get them out of the fears of strange powers. So, it is clear that the author has had some intention about the negative beliefs that can definitely lock down the ability to be happy. Sometimes, it may feel like the old concepts at the first sight itself, but, if you read the book carefully you would be able to understand that every concept is greatly combined with the modern teachings of happiness and positivity.

Little Book of Inner Peace

Ashley Davis is a famous freelance writer and a psychologist who has written so many beneficial contents for society. Hence, she has used her practical experiences and theoretical knowledge when writing the concepts described in the “Little Book of Inner Peace”.

Generally, this is a small illustrative guide presented through her thirty years of experience as a powerful woman. It basically describes how mindfulness and happiness lead to a positive mindset. Similarly, it has also noted the importance of meditation when establishing happy thoughts in your mind.

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

The Author Dr Wayne Dyer has tried to explain the connection of being successful and happy with achieving a quality of peaceful mindset through his excellent writings of the book. So, find the book through online platforms or from the local shop if available, and get into the contents to avail your inner peace with the amazing ten secrets described in the book.

The verdict!

An array of books is in readers hands by describing how to find inner peace and happiness. Yet, we highly believe these six can offer you everything necessary to be happy and positive as a beginner level life explorer. So, find the booklets through Amazon, Kindle or through your local bookshop to sharpen your knowledge with the newest techniques and secrets to be happy.

What is Motivational Interviewing Concept in Counselling?

In general, motivational interviewing seems like quizzing on someone’s desire for a given task. But, when it comes to psychological aspects, this is a counselling methodology which is influencing the clients to find their interests. And, it is something related to arousing intrinsic motivation to carry out the challenges.

Who investigated the motivational interviewing concept?

The talented psychologist companion is always resulting for advanced practices. Similarly, the famous two psychological partners are the inventors of this concept. They are the William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick.

As they first described, this concept is a client-centred counselling method. It means the interviewer does not forcefully influence the client at any point. So, what they do is eliciting the change inside their behaviour for positive motivation.

Thus, the clients usually realise what was the failures they had and what are the possible adaptations to overcome such failures in future at the end of the discussion.

But, since this is a specific technique of motivating someone, it needs enough practices in executing the technique. Thus, these two inventors have introduced key points and processes in this method.

Hence, if a counsellor is interested in positively arousing others motives, they should study deeply those points and processes. Otherwise, they may fail in developing relevant interpersonal skills to have a successful interviewing session at the counselling session.

What is the 4 Process in Motivational Interviewing?

As the inventors explain, the counsellor should follow four main steps when arousing the client for the desired action. If the examiner missed the order of those processes it will damage the self-esteem of the client to participate for the rest of the session. Since it offers the following benefits, the clinician must focus on the order, significance and means of each step in depth. It will help them to have greater outcomes at the end of the session.

But, under any circumstances that a trained counsellor should need a change in the order of steps, they can do it. Yet, each change should be explained under reasonable fact.

Benefits of following the four main processes of motivational interviewing!

It builds up trust between two parties. Thus, eventually, sharing ideas may become a random process. So, the client may behave confidently throughout the counselling session.

This positive behaviour towards the clinician will be a massive help to find out the influencing points through investigating the innate desires of the client. So, finally, the clinician can point out facts for positive changes easily for the clients’ hearts. And, the trust and confidence will direct them to understand the points easier by making a positive behavioural change.

4 Key Processes of Motivational Interviewing!

The following lines will describe how the initial engagement to the final step varying through a motivational interviewing session.

Make an engagement!

Often, clients will meet clinicians for a positive change after a long effort. And, in the beginning, they may have doubtful ideas on whether this will be a successful session or not. Thus, they are often lack of trust to express their ideas. If this doubtful status lasts for longer, the counsellor may fail in seeding positive thoughts.

The counsellors’ role in this step is mostly listening. It never recommends disturbing the clients while he is talking. And, it is suggestive to build up empathetic discussion towards the clients’ point. So, it will inflate trust between both parties to carry on the discussion. Often, this is the thing that such a client needed during a counselling session.

Focus on the negativities!

The second step is to clarify the unclear points in the client’s story. But, the counsellor never has a chance to throw them direct questions and suggestions. So, the focusing step should always be followed by open questions by using forms like “what”, ” how” and “when”.

It will let the client talk more and the counsellor should grab the needed points through their story without disturbing or questioning back.

While the discussion progressing, they also can direct the clients’ mind to make goals. Often, they can use questions like ” What if…”, “Yes, What will be next…”, ” Sure! What can you do?…”.

This discussion will let the client understand discrepancies and negativities. So, often, they may end up with their unique suggestion for a goal.

Evoking phase in Motivational Interviewing!

When the discussion extends up to these points, the client has goals or ideas to come up with challenges. But, still, they are seeking solutions or future steps. Hence, in this step, the counsellor can question “Why…”.

Since the client now has an intention to find out the solution they will often behave respectfully to disturbing questions. Yet, the arguments are still prohibited as the client should have confidence and trust to continue the discussion.

Planning for a Change!

Since now the client equipped with goals and solution, at this final step, the counsellor can arouse them to plan the next change in behaviour. Often, the counsellor has a huge role in this step.

The guidance given by this step may help the client to build up SMART goals. Here, the word SMART resembles specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timebound outcomes.


Motivational interviewing is a process of influencing the clients to make positive change through a friendly discussion. It is a client-centred counselling method. So, the counsellor has the biggest part in making engagement for an optimistic session. And, the counsellor should protect the data gathered confidentially. Further, since this is a medically and socially important approach, the counsellor should be qualified enough in mental therapies. Thus, counsellors should have enough understanding of what is motivation, what is happiness and even what is psychological education for advanced support.

Happiness at Work Vs Productivity Behind the Profitability!

Among the numerous benefits of happiness, productivity is one of the important things to consider. Especially, the business owners expect to equip with both physical and human resources which can be responsible for the high end of productivity. Thus, recent studies have revealed the importance of being happy to release your energy for working purposes. But, employers have a huge role in enhancing happiness among employees. So, if the managing authorities are not considering those strategies, it is really unfair to expect highly productive outcomes through human power.

Well, before going for the employer’s role in increasing happiness and satisfaction among their staff, let’s see what is happiness meant for productivity.

How happiness at work increase productivity?

Simply, happy employees possess certain life qualities than a person who worked under stressful conditions. Thus, often, those qualities will help to build up a pleasant working environment. So, it becomes a desirable working condition for the majority of workers. And, also the employers will feel comfortable in managing their requirements and expectations while maintaining the ideal setting of their business.

Well, as a refreshing note, let’s first look at those remarkable qualities that are possessing by happy employees.

A happy and satisfied individual can maintain a balanced lifestyle!

Being a person does not mean becoming only a part of work power. It means, they all have a personal life goal as well. Further, success can define as the achievements of both personal and work satisfaction while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. So, a balanced life schedule is very much important for a person.

Thus, if employers allow their employees to be satisfied and be motivated inside the workplace, they definitely can maintain this balance. Yes! There are many more strategies to prompt a happy working environment. We hope to discuss those responsibilities of managing authorities later on by using this piece of content.

Financial security is always behind the calming mindset of an employee!

The recent pieces of evidence have proved that employees who feel financially secure can definitely focus on the given objective. Otherwise, they may suffer from continuous stresses. And, the financial barriers easily can break the balancing between work and personal life goals. Sometimes, the lack of financial independence of an employee can increase the violence of the workplace. Thus, they will never be a part of a productive work chain.

Happiness can prompt decision-making and problem-solving qualities!

Happiness can also define just as maintaining calming mindset. Thus, it can help people to develop certain personality qualities. Especially, the decision-making and problem-solving abilities that have sharpened through happy learning may positively impact the workstation. Thus, such employees can be valuable innovative powers. So, this change will turn the productivity of the business into a positive aspect.

The happy employees are loyal and empathetic!

If the person equipped with self-satisfaction, they can definitely be deep thinkers. Similarly, the employer’s support is always there behind a happy employee. Thus, they often used to be loyal to the workstation. Thus, it will definitely enhance productivity by minimizing wastages and violence.

In another hand, the happiness and satisfaction of workers can promote the commitment of team works. And, the individual worker may have a pleasant understanding over others. Hence, they will be empathetic towards other worker’s failures and worries. So, they will work hard as a team to make them all successful. This strategy is directly impacting the productivity of the business.

Happiness promotes the eagerness to face challenges!

When people used to be happy, it eventually enhances their curiosity to face challenges. So, such employees will work hard in challenging business objectives. If some challenging and difficult scenario happens to your business place too, make sure not to worry but to enhance motivational factors for your employees to promote happiness and work satisfaction. It will automatically help to maximise productivity.

The Employer’s Responsibilities to enhance Happiness at Work!

The major responsibilities of managing authorities to enhance happiness at the workplace are promoting both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. It includes satisfactory wage for skilled and experienced employees, appreciation using promotions, allowances, seasonal giveaways and bonuses Etc. Further, arranging training schedules and workshops will also enhance the strength of working power. Thus, it may boost the capabilities to face challenges. Thus, the working power will release its maximum capacity to enhance the productivity of the business.

Similarly, intrinsic motivational factors are also necessary for managing human resources. Thus, relevant authorities can arrange motivational speaks, welfare societies and regular meetups to promote self-motivation for work.

The outlook!

Productivity is the main focus to avail the expected profitability through a business. Often, it may depend upon several factors. Among those the right decisions taken at the correct time, the employee’s satisfaction and happiness at work, the managing strength of directing authorities play an immense role. So, if the available extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors match with the so-called factors, eventually the productivity of the business and profitability may increase.