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How to be a lover not a provider? Simply explain

We will show you that “how to be a lover not a provider?” First you should understand the difference between lover and provider. Lover is a person who touches your soul, while embracing your humanity. They always be with you, and they take care of you until last page of the life story. They don’t hope anything back from you. And they have romantic and sexual meanings also. They connect with emotionally also physically. They always listen to you and give the most suitable answers to your problems. We can identify lover is a life partner who don’t take away your hand until end of the soul. We all are expecting like that lover with true and positive lovely feelings. When you meet like this lover you can stay happy and win this life.

Who is a provider? We can identify person who is considerate enough to ask their partner about their needs. When they identified that they committed to provide those things for them.  It may be finance or other anything. Most if the people expect from the providers their job and money. They believe that they should supply even foods, clothes also. While considering the difference between provider and lover we can give examples with strategies of them. Lovers are interesting to screen for sexual, but providers are feigning interested but they get to sex when she’s ready. Lovers can slowly increase nonsexual investment. As well as the provider always like to display personal and long-term queries also willingness to commit.

How to be a lover not a provider? Easy and correct methods

More important relationship is, be a lover than provider. If you are a lover, you will have some powerful experiences and here communication is everything. Here the sexual communication is very important part lover. This will be helping to grow healthy and fulfilling sex life. When you have only provider he or she doesn’t like to communicate with correct sexual life. But lovers can ask their partner about sexual life, and it is a simple and effective way to control the life. And you should appreciate them as a person. Here we mean that you should respect and give value for your partner. Don’t argue as a provider to the money or other things. You should have ability to directly expressing appreciation for them.  You have an ability to be thanking for their even small detail, listening, talk also other things. This is the most important characteristic of lovers.

In addition, care is more important than money. Therefore, you must cultivate care into the connection not money. As a lover from the start to end you should take care of your partner. Give more security always. You have an ability to holding their hand always. You can maintain eye control towards them. And here lovers should keep play at the forefront. Here the sex will become a joyful exploration instead of mechanical act with both. Then you can add lightness to the situations with the connection. You must use thoughtful touch because it will not last, and it can feel love and care. Always think that “how to be a lover not a provider?” Then you can practice open minded flexibility. This may be one of the top predictors of sexual fulfillment for lovers over time. When you relate to provider you can’t get these feelings and cares.

What is the power of love and lover?

How to be a lover not a provide? In the above we discussed more tips to be a lover and avoid being provider. When you have a provider, he will control your needs. But he has not lovely and care feelings with you. He will do a service to you and provider is someone who provides the means for subsistence. Comparing those lovers and providers it the most important to be a lover. Then now we will show you the power of love and lovers. Love helps you to accept yourself and others. If you have a true lover, he is willing to accept the romantic relationship. They can cover over weaknesses and imperfections. It is the most powerful and the greatest point of lovers. You can complete yourself with the feelings of romantic.

As well as lovers can to forgive, and they don’t hurt their partner anywhere. When two people connect deeply they should have forgiveness because it can give power to go forward. Then lovers have this quality than providers. And love may be helps to you grow as a person. If you are a lover of another person, it will cause to be a better person for him or her. And if you have a lover, you can improve the ability to keep going in the life. It will make you happy. This is a powerful quality, and it is better than providers because they are not always giving happy things to you. Finally, we can say love can reduce your mental stress also. It reduces your pain levels. But providers are not supplying mental treatment, but they can provide something with paying money.

How to be a lover not a provider? Conclusion

When you are considering in the above details you can understand the lover is better than provider. Now you can follow above tips to be a lover. When this world build with true lovers it will be a way to go forward with only win. The most powerful quality is understanding the hurt beat of others than provide needs. In this life our breath depends on happiness and healthy. If you are the happiest person, it will be a great investment in this life. For that you can connect with true lover because lovers can give newborn to us with happiness. Because you also find that “how to be a lover not a provider?” From this article you can get more ideas about this question.

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I love every inch of you

When you find someone who makes you smile

Can you ask for a gift back? Simply explain

From this article we will discuss that “can you ask for a gift back?” There is a traditional habit that give gift to friends, family members or any other person. This is doing with some special things such as birthday, wedding, anniversary. Most of the people who believe that from this action they can grow love, appreciation, or affection to each other. Here this is the most important thing that you can stay a long time of your bond, connections, or relationships with each other. As well as we all love to allow the gift which are giving our loved one. From this we will be so happy. Even it is whether little or big gift no matter to be satisfied with them because we all like to be surprised anything good. But we can mention here gifts are not an essential thing in our lives.

Can you ask for a gift back? When you received a gift from another person the gift will be a property for you. Then you can use anyway after received it. There is not an effect to this. We think when you ask a gift back from others it will not a suitable process without exchange for a promise. We can identify this is a condition gift. When you ask it back other person will become inconvenience from your reaction. Here we can give the best example for that. It is an engagement ring. When a boy gives ring, he asks from her “will you marry me?” Currently the girl says yes and promises to marry him. Here the ring will become a condition gift. But with some reason if the girl decided to separate with him, she must return the ring to the boy.

Can you ask for a gift back? Is it good or bad?

We can’t get back the gift which are given us. It is very important should not take back the gifts. When you give something to someone it will not your property yet. Therefore, you have no responsibility to control or use it further. But you can ask for a gift back. We think it is not possible to do anyone in their relationships. In here you must learn to let go and to give up all the things. When you learn this, you will feel better about giving something meaningful than about having. All the things have this method in the world. When we understand it well, we can stay happy forever.

When we’re considering the society most of the lovers are breaking up with their love affairs. Because of that reason someone ask for a gift back from another person. It is the wrong behavior. After relationship falls apart the only gift that needs to return is engagement ring. In addition, this if you ask back others it will be very sensitive reaction. This may be reason to even some bad things also. Also, it will have an ability to symbolize your kind less emotions and tough heart. With these reactions you should have keep away with the society because the society will not accept these reactions. We can suggest here we all have to good feelings with connecting each other. Can you ask for a gift back? We think that this article will help to solve this problem.

What to do when someone asks for a gift back?

We all are exchanging the gift with each other’s because these are standing out as a beautiful memory. But can you ask for a gift back and what to do when someone asks for a gift back which received you. The first thing you must understand this is not your failure. Therefore, you are just back it them and don’t overthink about it. Don’t be trouble and you can stay without thinking again about it. Here you will become an embarrass. And your heart will think bad thoughts about that person who ask the gift back. But don’t worry and you have an ability to control your feelings. Then you can give it back. And here there is an important thing which you understand well. This is you should know the motive behind the gift.

Furthermore, you must understand the situation of the person who are giving a gift to you. This reason will be dependent on their situation and status of lifestyle. Sometimes they will ask a gift back when you break up with them. They are feeling sad with your breakup, and they do that because their sadness of that. In addition, that we can suggest that may be happened with their financial situation. As their financial problems they have done something. Then they want to gift back to sell it and earn money to their emergency situations. However, we can say here you have some hard thoughts to receive any trouble with connecting each other’s and receiving them. We must have stay with other bond with various types. Here all the persons are not like same. Therefore, we must have an ability to understand other’s opinion, feelings, and current situation well.


Can you ask for a gift back? Yes, you can do it, but it is not possible to you because when you give something to someone it is not your thing. As a conclusion we can say that according to the legal possession when you transfer a gift its owner is another person who received the gift. Because the legally say no as the answer for that question. If someone gives you something as a gift you need to accept it whether it is useful or not to you. No matter what your feelings about that the recipient are given to you it with happily and feeling love towards you. Then if he or she asks again the gift you shouldn’t be angry with them because it may have some deep reason. But if they ask it without any fair reason, it will be a bad thing.

How to forgive yourself after a one night stand?

From this article we are expecting to show you that “how to forgive yourself after a one night stand?” What do you mean by “one night stand”? This is used for a identify the relationship which is lasting only one night with a sexual feeling. It will be lasting only one night of one evening. This will be a single performance which play or show in a particular place. This performance is a sexual encounter which has short period. This may be a good experience but is not a great work. Within correct reason don’t go with one night season. This feeling will be built in every one’s heart. But when you follow bad behaviors with this it will give you bad comments with others. Therefor you must understand this situation correctly.

When we are considering this topic, we can say here this feeling which can give more comfortable for someone.  But someone is not happy with this. They are never going be comfortable with random lookup. This will be dependent on their feelings and thoughts. If you have not the best feel about this, you don’t ever do something. Then you are not warring about that and you not to need find the reasons that “how to forgive yourself after a one-night stand?” But when you’re done this, we have to forgive towards it. In this situation both you should have good reasons and you must be accepting the safe and both people will on the same path with feelings. Now we thought that you give some reasons to have one night fun with your partner. You can check those well whether its are good or bad.

How to forgive yourself after a one night stand? Reasons for that

The first thing we can mention here you have a friend it can work with who will be genuinely relaxed and experimental about sex. Then it will be a good reason to go for a one-night stand. They have self-awareness also. when they be honest and trust it will be a cause to this. And here if you have a break from your normal life, it also will be a reason for that. Some people define their one-night stand as a vacation. They enjoy with this without stress from their regular daily works. In addition, these some people have been looking for a way to mix up their sex life. In that situation they try to it with someone totally outside of their normal zones. They expect here the kind of touch, pressure, speed, and intensity.

However, you will be interested in sex for the sake of having a great time and breaking the spell. Some are looking for a one-night stand regularly for years of some period because it will feel much more liberating. And some are feeling that it is your life and your body. when you want it, you will not go backward to go with them. According to these reasons you can understand this situation. But you are playing with your feelings because this is bad behavior which is out of tradition. Then here you may be doing wrong action. When you understand it, you will think that “how to forgive yourself after a one-night stand?” Sex will be a fantastic feeling. It will depend only on your life partner, and it will be a clean feeling.

How to forgive yourself after a one night stand? Easy tips.

When you did an incorrect one night stand you have some trouble. How to forgive yourself after a one-night stand? If you think this is a bad behavior surly you mut take action about it. We can mention here there are some easy tips to forgive yourself.  The first thing you should think about it.  Your forgiveness will be start with your honest and vulnerable. You must stop pretending. In here your self-acceptance will be very important to understand your mistake and move on your bad thing. Never you justify your bad actions. But you should stop hating yourself or cutting yourself down. Then you can start seeing yourself as a valuable human being. If you can be honest with your consequences of your behavior it will be helping to forgive yourself.

As well as you should accept your lifestyle. If you are an imperfect person, you will have some mistakes or bad behaviors. Then you should have some ability to accept it for what it is. You never don’t get away your correct feelings and you should face to true situations. Then you can banish guilt and shame from controlling your thoughts and behaviors. Surly you must accept yourself here. From these methods you will find out the way which is helping to forgive yourself a one stand night. After that you can avoid those things. Further if you still repeatedly feel guilty you should find out that why are you really doing it. You should make sure the reasons for that are correct or incorrect. Then it will be cause to your satisfaction. Also, you will be a perfect man with all the activities.


We think this article will help your awareness about the one-night stand. As a conclusion this task is depending on their opinion. Some are looking about this as a good thing and another one looking as a bad thing. However, this situation is a bad behavior to us. Then you have an ability to avoid like those things and forgive yourself. Then you have trust about your mind set with this. You have to self-acceptance to decrease your bad behaviors. without this you can’t stay relax in this society. Even your mind also blames to you, and you will be falling with feelings which has ability to affect in your lifetime. Among our lifestyle activities we must have only good behaviors Because bad things are helping to give some risk about our lives. These details also will help to you for go forward with better life.

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How do guys feel when you cut them off?

How to make a girl call you every day? Simply explain

We will show you how to make a girl who call you every day? We are expecting connect with others because it is better than isolate. In this society there are more connections which are built in various ways. If you have a crush you will wish to talk more and be close with your crush. Always you keep mind you are a guest for her life. Then your lifestyle should be match with her expectation. Therefore, before starting to call your crush, you must find out something around her and her lifestyle. It may be giving a chance while you start your talk. You can give your number with various ways. But it also should be a genuine way. So, it will be a good start to make this girl.

Furthermore, here there is a secret to make a girl call you every day. It is the text to her. You can get attraction from her while this. Don’t call as soon as you see her. You should be patient here. And you must have positive attitudes also feelings. Before connecting with her you can plan that “how to make a girl call you every day?” Here you can plan this task within your way. It may be more comfortable than other’s guideline because it will be unique only your heart. Because this is your first impression you must keep your emotions law. We said that all the things will depend on your emotions while this process.

How to make a girl call you every day? Easy tips

When you are interested a girl, you will get your phone number her. But in beginning you don’t know she is someone who just met or casual friend or an ex. If you plan to make a girl who call you every day following tips will help to you. First step is you should wait a day or two. Don’t send messages immediately after met her. Sometimes you need to wait too loge because some girls are lost interested if they don’t hear from a boy pretty soon after that initial exchange of number. And here the most chances are going with only text to make contact. It is important that connect with massages to communicate her. In here you should pay attention to text short messages because some girls who don’t like to read more text. And you can remind her about seeing you last.

Other tip is you pay attention to her text. From that you can identify her feelings, talking style and other things. It may be the best way to connect with her as her expecting ways. You can strengthen a connection because it suggests that the two of you are in sync with each other. when you watch what text, the biggest disadvantage is probably that it can’t communicate things. In here communicate things is facial expression, voice, or body language. In here you should avoid make sarcastic remark, complaining or insecure. While texting you can tell her you would rather talk than text. Now you know text is better than talk but you need to talk with her. Then you can get start to this. You must try to feel her your interest. You can say something to give hint about that.

What are the qualities that affect to make a girl think about you?

How to make a girl call you every day? We discussed the easy tips for this. You can follow this and here we can suggest you some tricks to make a girl think about you all the time. From this you can find a girl who call you every day. You should be genuine in your compliments. This may be more important than right. Therefore, you don’t forget to pay the right compliment at the right moment. You must pay attention here more about her personality than her appearance. It will be definitely making a lasting impression on her. As well as you know that “how to make a girl think about you through text. You should understand about the texting well. You can talk with some common thing. Then your discussion will be fantastic one.

In addition, you must be attentive to tiny details of her. You can give surprise to her memorable and special dates. This will be a meaningful and beautiful tip to attract someone. And it is more important than text or talk. Usually, women are looking always be happy and surprise with even small things. They always expect this from their crush. From this you can give hint to her that you care about every even little thing of her. But here you don’t be too eager to impress. As well as be honest about your emotions and feelings. Most women are looking kindness from guys because their heart is always wished to feel get lovely and kind thoughts. According to these details you must pay attention while you find a girl who call every day. When you try to this you can follow these.

How to make a girl call you every day? Conclusion

How to make a girl call you every day? In the above details you can get more tips about this question. As a conclusion we can say that first you must build your personality to talk with your crush. And you should be honest and have an ability to talk with calm. While telling you can give some hints her about your target. Always keep in mind that you should be a truthful person all the things about you. When you start your connection, it may be not long thing. You can say something shortly, but it may be interesting. Then your crush normally pays some attention for your genuine talk style. Don’t Argive anything with her and don’t ask more questions soon. However, if you try to make a girl call you every day surly you must be a cool person.

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I love every inch of you.

When you find someone who makes you smile.

How to manifest a best friend? simply explain

From this article we will show you that “how to manifest a best friend?” If you have a friend who understand you and trust you well, he or she will be the best friend in your life. We shout identify their value and what they do towards us. They always give us their trust and honest. Before the considering our question, we would like to show you “what are the characteristics of the best friends?” The best friends who never judge you of your success also failures. They help you to success your targets and aim in this life. When you both live together you should share all the things with the best friend. If your friend is a true friend, he/she always keep your secrets in this bond.in here they should always completely with honest.

In addition, with the friendship you can talk close things with them because they never gossip about you behind your back. The best friend how has an ability to grow up your mind set towards the positive ways.it means they always try to fill your feelings with positive behaviors. Sometimes the best friend helps you as a brother. They never play with your feelings, and they will give their support in your grief. While discussing this we must have to know that “how to manifest a best friend?” what is the meaning of “manifest” It can define as a clearly apparent to the sight or understanding. In here you must be able to easily be understood or recognize by the mind. If we say simply, it means is defined as to prove or make something clear. It will be like showing someone the facts about something.

How to manifest a best friend with 4 tips?

If you have a best friend, it is the power to win your life. They always make our happy and they try to be meaningful our lives. Now we will explain that “how to manifest a best friend with the law of attraction?” The first step is you must define whom your perfect best friend is. You have an idea about who that person and why you want them. In here you must understand qualities, values, and morals of them and why are they important. What are the activities you are expecting to do with the best friend? When you understood that you can manifest a best friend well. In this step you can write down the list of qualities you want them to have and what are the kind of the best attitudes. After that you make sure how will help you become a better person than others.

The next step is the kind of friend you want to have. While you are looking at the friendship you can cultivate those kinds of qualities yourself before that. If you expect honest, kind, positive and loyal friend you must grow up these qualities too. According to the law off attraction when you embody the core qualities of your friend it is what you will attract to you. Furthermore, you should focus on what you want and don’t focus what you don’t want. Last step is helping your best friend find you. You can put yourself out into the world where you can find each other. Then it will be the best way to manifest a best friend quickly. From this law both mental and physical positive thinking actions will improve. Finally, we can note here you should stay as an open-minded person and ready to meet new friends.

How long does take to manifest a best friend?

How to manifest a best friend? According to this question now we have the best tips to manifest a friend. You can ask yourself what qualities you want from your best friend. After the follow the above tips, you can talk with them. Then you can define how a friendship between you would benefit you both. When you see these qualities, you can build a relationship soon. In here there is the most important thing you do. You must first trust yourself. And, after you were shown your behaviors to friend remember that don’t never change it. Then you can stay in happy with your best friend.do you know how long it takes to manifest a best friend. It may be dependent on your and other hand also both behaviors, attitudes, and feelings. When you understand those well you can send your friend request to them.

Short lived friendship – What do you mean by this?

Considering all these details the manifesting friends can happen almost immediately. And it will take some time to take reaction. The reason for that is it takes a little while for the universe to arrange your paths crossing. When you are going to the way of manifesting your best friend, please be patient and trust the perfect life. Don’t overthink how and when they come with you. There is a resistance to manifesting the best friends. It should create yourself. When you are focusing those things, you can stay a long time with your best friend. We think now you have an idea about this. It is more important thing to stay with a best friend than isolate. You can share your happy and sad also with your best friend.

Bottom line

In this article we found the answers about the question of “how to manifest a best friend?” As a conclusion we can note here the best friends are more important than others because they are staying with us to care us always. They have only positive feelings towards us as well as when we manifest a best friend, we all have the quality to share only true feelings with them. If you don’t follow this way you never can’t find a best friend. Not only friendship but other relationships also looking at your true and positive attitudes only towards them. So, we would like to say here don’t hurt others anyway. Be patient and then you can manifest a best friend.

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How do guys feel when you cut them off? Simply explain

From this article we are trying to find out the things that “how do guys feel when you cut them off?” These feelings are depending on each one’s personality, and it the secret of relationship. But in here we should understand these situations. They might want to talk with you as a friend or other way. But you are not expecting like those relationships. Here you will reject their reactions. Then guys will be embarrassed with your comment. This is their normal reaction. A lot of guys are not express about their breakup. Sometimes when you cut off them, they will not come again you. This may be because they feel too low and doesn’t want to hurt you anymore. This may be affected both of you. Therefore, both of you should be understood this situation.

When you cut off guys they will respond soon or after.it will be dependent on its size. This reaction may be natural thing. As well as it shows that you are not talking the breakup seriously. They can’t understand what happened soon. However, you must remember that there are lot of things you have to talk with guys. But don’t directly say all to them. When you are saying all together it will hurt them more. Usually, most guys are not showing their feelings in front of the crowd. They are hiding. Because of that reason before telling something you should think about those twice. Then you can stay with others with the best connection. Then here there are most troubles will be decrease. When you wish to build a relationship with others you should pay attention your responsibilities with those.

How do guys feel when you cut them off? List of their feelings

In here we would like to mention that the list of feelings who feel when you cut off them. They feel insecure about themselves in these situations. Their confidence and security suddenly disappear. They may be to questions about attractive to all. After that they tempted to find answers for those things. Their feelings will still be with you even, but they will not expect to talk with you further. Rejected is the most hurt thing among the people with their relationships. But people may be never known that how to react to any rejections. Sometimes you cut them because their errors. But they may be don’t know before about that.in this time they will be completely devastated that your actions.so we all should have an idea about “how to react towards rejections of others”

As well as they are intrigued. When you are cutting them off, they will curiosity for you. When guys want someone, they will be very persistent, and they will be not afraid which are achieving to their success. Although in those situations they may be back to you.in here their target may be good or bad. However, it depends on accordingly your actions.in addition they are motivated while your rejections sometimes. How do guys feel when you cut off them? They feel even more motivated to go after you cut off them. On the other hand, they will entertain by your decision.in here they are not serious with your feelings, but they are enjoying by looking at you. The other types of guys will be angry with you in same situation. They never will not give you a second chance after hurting them.

What are the reasons for you reject guys?

When we are considering all this responds we can understand that all response is dependent on feelings of each other. Now we will show you that what are the reasons for these rejections. The main thing is unmatched both of your feelings. When your feelings are different with others, you’ll need to separate with that connection. Not only feelings but the actions will not match. According to the men’s comment of these situations they said their separation may depend on their look and appearance. Some women don’t want to guy without their desired appearance. They are looking at the guy who are handsome, cool, and intelligent. When they have not like those one they will be jealous with others who has like this guy. But some women are not expecting this, but they are trying to connect with guys who have the best feelings and emotions with lovely heart.

According to the other comment of women we find that they are looking for the looks, money, status also height from the guys. They believe those are the 4 pillars in which they choose their potential partner. Also, the guy who only care about himself and that will be evidence in interaction. You can’t wish to live with boring peoples and who don’t go with joyful activities. Some guys don’t know respect people’s boundaries and they stare others. If we have negative mind-set, we can’t get others attraction because others wish to connect with someone who with only positive attitudes to go forward and win the life together. People looking for a guy who have good behaviors within actions and feelings also.

How do guys feel when you cut them off? Conclusion

From this article we are talking about the relationship or connections. We all are looking for a connect with only good people because they always give us positive things and they are ready to go forward with our targets. Then when we don’t have us expect guy, we refer to separate them. How do guys feel when you cut them off? The reason will be on their hand. When you are connecting with others you should understand the bond well. Without it you can’t continue this. And both of you must same feelings in here. If you both don’t care about it will not a tight bond. Always should try to give something happy. The details which are in this article will help to you while connecting others and you must understand those things well.

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You don’t find happiness you create it.

Stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it.

You don’t find happiness you create it – Simply explain

You don’t find happiness you create it. We must try to build our happiness up and remove the negative feelings and thinking positively. From this article, we expect to write about the happiness which we must create. We have to live in hard because while processing the life activities we have to face various challenges and targets. Sometimes we must win or fail with those. There are more things to focus on. The positive attitudes by overcoming the negatives going on around us. We must turn to the winning path by preparing our mindset, with controlling emotions and feelings. You don’t go backward because what happened in past the places you lost something. Always should try to grow up with fresh failing which help to go forward.

However, we can say you don’t find happiness. We must try to be happy with even little things. We have more opportunities to get blessing with targets. Then we want this life. We can be happy until the last page of our life story. You must write in your story while decorating with happiness and joy. In here, the writer is only you. Your success or failure may be dependent on your hand. We can’t find everywhere our happiness. All the actions will be got decision whether our life happy or sad. In all moment, we can’t be a winner. Sometimes we must be strong with some defeats. Our mindset should be trying to control these situations. When we’re connecting others, it’s also challenge to us because all persons in the society have not same thoughts. We make sure that how to control our feelings and action towards others.

You don’t find happiness you create it. How to create your happiness?

In here we are expecting to mention the simple way to create your happiness. You don’t find happiness, but you create it. Happiness is not a gift by someone or something. It will be a state of mind that is created from ourselves. Now let’s find out how to be happy with simple activities. First thing is you should state your achievement’s. We are not perfect person. But when we try, we can win. In here you should practice to state your winning things to yourself. While going forward, it is the important to meditate your positive achievements. It will be helping to be happier today than tomorrow. And you can add some little happy things you love into your daily life. No matter, it is a little one you can get happy about it. Go out with your loud one and discuss the happy of your life story.

Successful and happiness is the state of mind which create by us. This will start with your fresh mindset. First of all, you must be positive and believe in yourself. You can practice to tell yourself today will be awesome. Don’t forget being perfect and try to always accept yourself with realized. And it is more important to be simple with your targets. Don’t go with overthinking. Is stop working about your failures or missed something over someone? It will give you a new path to moving forward. Furthermore, there are various good things to do for our happiness. You can listen to beautiful songs or music. And watch some interesting movie, dances, or other events. Keep your smell with an interesting book. These are the easy tips to create your happiness.

Why can’t we create happiness?

In here we must understand the reasons what we can’t create our happiness. You don’t find happiness, you create it. But sometimes we have to face some trouble while creating happiness. What are those? If you are hanging around negative people, it will be the bad news to grow with happily. You should connect to surround yourself with people who inspire you. Then you can make better life with them. But don’t connect with around bad people because they only give you negative thoughts. And when you are comparing your own life to the lives of people on social media. It will be a bad effect to you. If you go to do experiment with a showing in social media, it will improve your mental tension. Therefore, you should avoid with those.

As well as when you are isolating yourself, it is also affected to decrease your happy. Always you should laugh with others. And don’t blame yourself because something. When you blame yourself, it will be terrible for your mood. Because of those, you must control yourself. Sometimes it is hard to be happy, but if you can control of your life, it will be helping to avoid many troubles in your life. While connecting others, you must control feelings, emotions also behaviors. In here, the most reasonable thing to can’t create happiness is you giving into fear. You don’t afraid to while your task and don’t miss your chance to win this life. You must live in the present, your past and future, a product of your mind. Don’t think negativity and don’t complain yourself and others. Now you can identify that what are the things can’t create happiness.

Final thoughts

In this article, we discussed the most valuable lesson to our lives. That is happiness. We have shown here how to be happy with simple methods and you can follow those. We don’t find happiness, but we can create it. From the morning to night, we can stay in happy with our daily works. It will be a help to win this life and you can reduce your mental and physical diseases. So, your mental tension also will be decrease. Your happiness depends on yourself. Anyone can’t create it. Therefore, try to win. When you fail, you must try to again with new path. This life is the rare option which we are given from nature. Therefore we try to get risks through this chance to win.

Does God want me to have not friends? Simply explain

We hope to continue this article around the question of does God want me to have not friends? Jesus said, love your neighbor. But here there is freedom to live along. It maybe depends on one’s own personality and preferences. And it will be their way of being comfortable. Trust is key to building every relationship. God says it is difficult to choose a faithful friend. When you cannot select the best friend for you, you can stay alone. All my friends who can understand us and should listen to us. Gods’ opinion is that you should live for yourself. It also gives you the opportunity to be more generous with others. The most important thing you need to learn here is that people should never expect perfection. And all the people in the world are not same. Therefore, we must have an ability to identify them carefully.

Talking about this further, if you are someone who prefers to be alone, having friends can be a hassle for you. Then God considers that you must turn away from others in order to achieve your purpose. It can also be said that not having a friend is a bit difficult. We think that you need someone in life who can understand you and share your experiences. But the most important thing is to understand whether the person pretending to be a friend is actually, a real friend. God expects you to be very careful treating your friend as your best friend. Does God want me to have not friends in this situation? The answer is that if you do not have a good friend, you should be alone. Here you have to be happy about staying away from such paper and be patient until you get a good friend.

Does God want me to have not friends? Wise and warm Bible verses

Does God want me to have not friend? God expects this until we find a true friend here. Friendship is one of the most precious gifts in life who gave us God. This is difficult for us understand as long as we underestimate, the value of relationships. To illustrate this further, we are ready to present to your wise and warm scriptures. “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin but there is a friend who strikes closer than a brother” According to the proverb 18:24 meeting a trusted friend can be described as a very close relationship in life. The friend we are referring to here should be the one to stay close to in our times of sorrow as well as in times of joy. Only then will a friend be treated more closely than her brother.

“A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” This also a valuable thought. You need to have a friend who is kind to you in every way. They are kind enough to be with you in any difficult time. One of the bad things that can happen to you are not having a friend who can pretend it to be a brother in any of your affairs. “Oil and perfume made the heart glad, and the sweetness of her friend comes from his earnest counsel” This shows that you need to have a friend who can make your heart happy. In here there are only few thoughts mentioned from Bible. But we can understand the value of friendship from this. However, what we need to better understand is that we should only add good things and good people to life.

Does God give us friends?

Many people believe that God gives us so many things. Friendship, also one of thing among them. Many things in society depend on how we treat each other. Then why does God want me to have not friend? This problem can be built on the decisions of you as well as other people. Who built true friendships? One must have the trust of all. It will make us feel safe because we must go for a peace through the friendship. The people who around you are a gift from God. There is the best quote from Corrie ten Boom “every experience God gives us” Every person he puts into our lives is the perfect preparation for a future only he can see. Thus, it can be said that all these relationships take place with the knowledge of God.

When you meet a strong friend, you too must be strong for them. Through such good and strong friendships, God has directed us to bless each other’s lives. In here, you should be thankful for giving someone who can go through their lives. And you do not have to worry about being alone until you friend a suitable friend. Then God wants us to have no friends. God blessing often gives us a good response. In the same way, when our actions and feelings, the better things we can achieve more benefits. So, we also try to select only friends who have positive attitudes and good thoughts. Then you can go forward with your targets and aims easily because your friend will help to your tasks well.


When you feel better about yourself, the God will give you friends. Then you can stay in happy and usefully. If you want a friend, you need to take steps towards building relationships. Many books stated that it is more important to love and be friendly with others in the love of Christ, then to have friendship for our own satisfaction. We should always try to find a friend who is closer than a brother. When you do not have such an important friend you may experience difficult. Does God want to me have not friends? God will do this as long as you propose are good and also good friend comes to you.

Stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it

When we are talking about a happy life, we can say that stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it. A lot of people try to get things back they missed and last. But according to human nature, the loss of something causes great sorrow. They are tempted to seek happiness in the same place in order to get rid of sadness. Our happiness depends on ourselves. Therefore, we are not finding our happy with someone or something. Although someone can contribute to our happiness, we must avoid seeking happiness from external success. You may sometimes feel that leaving is a challenge. It may be true because when we are living, we have to face more challenges and targets. We must try to win those targets to win this life.

In this life, you can experience victories as well as defeats in overcoming challenges. There you are happy with the winning things, but you will set back from the failures. Then you must tightly understand to don’t worry about your failures or mistakes. In here you should stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it. You can get up with new thoughts, feelings, attitudes and place. In here you should have fresh feelings and positive attitudes to win against the failures. Don’t think negative thoughts everywhere. We all have some talent to overcome challenges which all meet in our daily working. Some reason you are also worried about set back it is an obstacle to your success. Therefore, the only belief we believe in is to develop our mind-set through positive thinking.

The reasons for can’t stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it

They tell you, stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it. But most of all, still stay in those places. Why are they staying here? Now we find out the reasons for that. The first thing is their fear to leave the comfort zones. The place we are field, a relatively comfortable will be a safe space to them. Therefore, even their failure, they can’t leave those. Uncertainty and negative behaviour can be cited as reasons not to leave them. Although they faced various setbacks, they are tempted to forget their places because they are familiar with them. This is also due to the fact that they are addicted to habits. Once people are addicted to their own habits, it can be difficult for them to back free. They have negative habits. They are, but they are not interested in avoiding those things.

Can you imagine like this? Suppose there is someone who is addicted to a bad habit. From then unknowingly or through it, he suffers life defeats. If so, what he should do is stay away from these things. As soon as you know that you will be defeated, you should be aware enough to avoid those things. But you may find it difficult to do so because you cannot control your emotions. And the other thing is lack of self-knowledge. You need to have enough self-awareness to get out of the place where you lost yourself. She for her to get rid of negative live without using your old illusion anymore. You may be unfamiliar with the new location of the living your usual location. But you must enter that new path and gain experience and win the life.

How do you move on from lost places?

In this life, you must face more lost things. Then we say it stops looking for happiness in the place you lost it. Then how do you move on from lost places? We tell you the easy tips here. Trust you, let yourself feel the pain and all the other emotions. For success in life, you need to feel happy as well as painful. Life becomes stronger the more you feel. The hardships of life. It is important that you will be patient. You need to be strong enough to bear the lost. You need to be or knowledgeable to make your process a success in a new way. In here you have to accept the truth, no matter how much you dislike it.it will be your turn to discover what that is and to bring it about.

Another thing you need to know here is to try to maintain your normal lifestyle. If defeats change your normal lifestyle, it is a hindrance to you. After all, even with the help of someone, you can avoid that miserable nature. In here you should not use different bad alternatives to get rid of your grief. We are referring here to think like drugs. Here we mean by reminding yourselves too much of the lost and not looking for other alternatives to avoid it. Sometimes you feel that losing someone you love makes your life meaningless. But if you don’t dedicate your time to it and strengthen your mind, you will die the same way. There you quickly lost your grief and understand the truth of this life. According to these factors, you can move on from last places and win your life.

Stop looking for happiness in the place you lost in – Bottom line

Happiness is a temporary thing. We who are happy at this moment may have something to grief from in the next moment. This is the reality of life. What we should understand well. This gives us another chance not to sink into our own defeats, but to overcome them and reach victory. And stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it. Then you can try to win using new way with fresh feelings. Also, positive mindset is the effect to win you alive. If you should have a positive mindset and you can’t fall from the failures. This article may be useful to stay in happy without thinking lost places and you can think positively to success your life by stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it.